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On a Gamble Page 6
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Page 6
Whether he wanted to admit it or not, things had changed from this point on, and he was powerless to stop whatever storm would hit.
Charlie woke up the next morning, energized and full of vigor. After a quick breakfast, she dressed and made her way outside.
She’d decided to take her grandpa’s advice. Although in the back of her mind, she wondered what today would be like, curious to see how Alex would act around her after yesterday’s kiss. Would he want to kiss her again? Would she kiss him back? Her body tingled with still new awareness. The pressure of his lips felt as amazing as she’d imagined. That sexy, scruffy facial hair against her mouth, lead her to wonder what it’d feel like against other parts. Intimate parts.
Charlie erased the naughty, entirely too delicious images. She gathered her tools to finish weeding the garden for the year. Putting her gloves on, she crouched down, and got to work.
“Morning, Charlie.” A deep, sexy voice came from behind her.
Standing, she turned to face him, pasting a smile on her face. Her belly plummeted further into the abyss of her desire. She attempted to gather her bearings. He didn’t need to know the affect he had on her.
She couldn’t help but stare, either, picturing him pressed up against her. My God, he looked mouthwatering, like a warm, delicious, sticky cinnamon bun fresh out of the oven. Jeans that hugged his body in all the right places, a flannel shirt encased a solid chest, sleeves rolled up to reveal nicely sculpted biceps. Tanned skin, a light caramel color, and oh so tempting to the say the least. Dark hair, mussed, as though he’d just rolled out of a lover’s bed.
Her gaze roved up to his mouth, and paused, remembering how exquisite they’d felt against hers. Self-conscious of her stare, she moved upward, connecting and resting on those eyes, and her heart clanked loudly against her chest. The brown pools filled with amusement, curiosity, and hunger. Her face warmed, the memory of their kiss reflected in his face, knowing he’d been just as affected. The butterflies took flight all at once. She swiftly lowered her gaze, and even if it was damned near impossible, tried to forget yesterday.
The impossibility of it almost made her laugh out loud.
Charlie cleared her throat, and met his gaze once again. “Hi, Alex. I thought we’d start the morning in the garden. Grandpa and Grandma took care of the chickens already,” she said, wholly aware she rambled, yet unable to stop herself.
Proceeding to finish her task, she swept aside her feelings. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted him crouched next to her. She reached for the garden tool when her hand lightly collided with his. Clearing her throat, she squared her shoulders, attempting to keep her feelings neutral, and off her face.
“Sounds good,” he said, but offered nothing more.
“Let’s start by weeding, and then we can pick whatever’s ripe. I can’t believe gardening season’s coming to a close.”
He nodded, and didn’t say much else. Which rather unnerved her and she didn’t know why.
Alex had always been quiet, since the first day he’d arrived. So why should it be any different now? It had to be the kiss. She bit her lower lip, but resumed her task. Everything changed overnight, and she didn’t know how to cope.
Charlie cleared her throat. “So, what’s new?”
Ha ha, stupid question.
“Not much.”
She nodded, but didn’t respond further. Honestly she didn’t know what to say. That kiss was amazing. Alex, kiss me again? I want you in the worst way?
Geez, who knew one little kiss could change so much?
Her hands stilled for a moment. Tentatively, she looked up. “Yes?”
“I saw some signs around town for a fall festival. Would you like to go?”
Choosing her next words carefully, she asked, “Like a date?”
“I guess you could say that.”
Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she smiled. “Sure, that would be nice.”
Alex smiled. “Great, how about tomorrow night, say around six?”
“Sounds good.”
Then he quietly resumed his task.
Whether he wanted to talk about it or not, things had changed, albeit slightly, between them. Now she wasn’t sure if she wanted things to go back to “normal” or if she liked the way things were going. It had been well over a year since the divorce, and she could and should move on. Especially after the prick cheated on her. She had every right to find someone new.
Alex brought out something different, and wild inside her. Something she’d never experienced before. Her heart rippled with excitement, still thinking about yesterday. The heat, the passion he ignited with just one kiss, but it had been one hell of a kiss she had to admit.
Only when he met her gaze did she realize she’d been staring. Really staring.
She gulped.
“Is something wrong, Charlie?” Amusement laced in his voice.
Foolishness engulfed her, almost drowning her at being caught staring, and my gosh. Who knew for how long? Too embarrassed to look up, she murmured, “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Charlie could hear him chuckling, but he didn’t say anything further.
The next night came quickly.
After they’d finished for the day, she rushed upstairs to get ready. Garnering some good-natured teasing from her grandma, but she didn’t care.
Giddy and excited, she hurriedly showered. With great care, she decided on a short, black, maxi dress, leggings, a dark jean jacket, and anticipating the cold night air, tall black leather boots. Laying her outfit on the bed, she gathered her makeup bag, and sat at her vanity. Her hands shook as she applied makeup, because good grief, years passed since she’d been on a date.
Her face flushed a healthy, rosy glow. She smiled back at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with her choice of colors. She quickly combed, and blow-dried her hair, allowing the loose, silky waves to frame her face. She dressed, and gave herself another quick once over. Her heart thundered in her chest, dancing and making merry with the butterflies in her stomach.
Taking a deep breath, and gathering her nerves, she made her way out.
Her breath caught, as a most welcome sight greeted her, spying Alex waiting at the bottom of the stairs, talking with her grandparents. And my God, he looked agonizingly sexy. Taking advantage of his averted gaze, she openly stared. He wore dark jeans, a red-sleeved T-shirt, and a cocoa brown leather jacket that surely brought out those eyes. Then his gaze turned toward her, and her heart picked up in rhythm. The moment he saw her, his eyes locked on her, and neither one turned away. Time stood still, and for a moment she couldn’t move, or breathe, and all she could see was Alex.
Finally, she found her voice, and her legs began to move, but felt like Jell-O, completely off kilter in their sockets. She met his gaze, and smiled. “Good evening.”
“Hi there. You look beautiful.”
The heat of a blush crept into her face. “Thank you.”
Her grandparents smiled at them, making her feel even more self-conscious.
She didn’t say another word as they made their way out.
How the hell would he get through this evening?
Alex needed to try his hardest to keep his hands off of her. Easy enough while he drove, but he did a lousy job with his eyes. Sweet Jesus, he’d never seen her in anything more than a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, her hair in a ponytail. Not to say she didn’t look beautiful in her farm garb. But tonight, she looked hot as hell, different, in a very good way.
Her hair down, past her shoulders, fell in pretty dark waves around her angelic face. Creamy white skin glowed with just a hint of makeup, and that dress she wore clung just enough to make his mouth water. From the fullness of her breasts, to the small
curve of her waist, the jacket did nothing to hide those sinful, luscious curves. And holy fuck those boots, tall, black leather elongated enticing legs.
Such thoughts made his jeans tighten. His mind traveled to the sinful kiss they’d shared a couple days ago. He hadn’t been able to think of much else. That kiss consumed his entire being.
Alex tried to keep his mind on the straight and narrow, but her scent permeated the small space of his truck, of sweet vanilla.
As they pulled in to park, he let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. Being in such an enclosed space with her in that sexy dress, those boots, her intoxicating scent made his senses swirl in a million directions. It would be enough to drive a man insane.
He parked, got out, and went to open the door for her.
“Thank you,” she said, and smiled in such a way, that made his insides do strange things.
He inclined his head, and attempted to keep his riotous, dirty thoughts under control. But so far he was doing one lousy job. He was here to have a nice time and not get emotionally involved.
Shit, after that kiss, and now a date, it’s a little late for that isn’t it?
But he didn’t regret the kiss one bit, and wanted a taste of those sweet lips again.
He cleared his throat. “You’re welcome.”
She and Alex walked in amiable silence for a few minutes. Her nerves jumbled all over the place. She rubbed her sweaty palms on her jacket, embarrassed at the reaction in the first place, and hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
“Yeah, and everything smells good.”
Smells of all kinds wafted into her nose, everything from hamburgers to hotdogs, and scrumptious desserts like funnel cake and cotton candy. It all sounded good, and her stomach agreed, letting out a fierce growl.
“What would you like?”
“A hamburger and some fries sound great,” she said.
They walked toward the food tent, and while he grabbed the food, she procured two bottles of water, and found seats.
Moments later, he set her meal down in front of her, noting he’d ordered the same thing. “Looks great, thank you.”
“No problem.”
Charlie spread a napkin on her lap, grabbed two ketchup packets, and dove in.
He chuckled softly. Mid-chew, she frowned, wondering what was so funny.
Finally, she swallowed, taking a sip of water. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head. “Nothing, it’s just refreshing to see a woman actually eat what she ordered.”
Charlie took another French fry, enjoying the salty flavor and crunch of it.
“Well, I like to enjoy life, and that includes food.” And sex she almost said out loud, biting her tongue to keep that from coming out. Although where that silly thought came from she had no idea.
In her mind’s eyes, she went back to that kiss. Large, strong hands, cupping her face, those lips teasing her mouth, jaw, and neck, followed by a dangerously sharp image of Alex naked and in her bed almost made her jump in her seat. Envisioning that marvelous body, a happy trail of hair that led to his—
Good Lord, she’d been in dry dock for so long, and this man brought entirely too much out, something primal, wild, ferocious, and fiery.
Getting carried away much?
To distract and shake loose her wayward thoughts, she grabbed her water, and took a hearty swig. Hell, anything to collect herself.
“Everything okay?”
Charlie nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.”
“So, where did you get such an interesting name?”
She wiped her mouth off with a napkin, setting the bottle down. “After Charlie Chaplin, my dad was a huge fan. We used to watch his movies together all the time.” Her heart ached at the precious memory.
Alex leaned forward, seeming genuinely interested. “Oh, yeah. What’s your favorite one?”
“City Lights. It was so romantic how he helped the blind woman, and she didn’t know it was him until the end. Fantastic movie, I must have seen it a hundred times.” She smiled at the memories of cuddling with her dad, munching on Pringles and watching Charlie Chaplin unfold antics on the screen. Even without sound, the actor’s body language, and facial expressions said so much. She missed that time with her dad, more than she realized.
“I’ve never seen any of his movies.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Well, then you don’t know what you’ve been missing. We’ll have to rectify that soon.”
Nice going. I’m really pushing my luck.
Lowering her eyes, she chewed on her lower lip, and feeling like an idiot, a very forward idiot. She looked up into his face, and almost wished she hadn’t. Damn, the heat she found there could turn a tub of ice cream into a liquid messy puddle.
“I’d love to.” His husky voice sent shivers of need, and awareness through her. As though he wasn’t talking about the movie at all.
Her tummy lurched at his seductive words, and she prayed to God that her face didn’t burn with embarrassment.
They resumed their meal in companionable silence. Finishing dinner, they walked around the grounds.
Charlie noticed the dance floor, cocooned under a large white tent. Lights glittered from the inside, and as dawn gave way to dusk. The atmosphere blanketed the grounds in its soft, warm glow, and crisp, night air scattered across her skin. For the first time, in a long time, she was content.
A romantic Tim McGraw and Faith Hill song filtered through the tent, and into her ears. Other couples snuggled close, arms wrapped around each other, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears.
“Would you like to dance?” she asked.
He raised his eyebrows, then held out his hand. “Sure, I’d love to.”
The moment he wrapped his arms around her, she easily fit into his embrace. Neither one said a word, as the sensual lyrics about making love flooded the air, drowning out everything else around them. Her breath caught in her throat, as his hand caressed the small of her back. Then damned near stopped, as he maintained eye contact, took her hand, and gently rested it against his chest, folding his own over hers.
Charlie couldn’t break eye contact if she tried. Emboldened by the romantic night air, the mood, and Alex. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder, her eyelids drifting shut. She floated on air. His hands, pure heaven against her waist, and his body pressed against hers. Her heart beating so rapidly, she feared he could feel it.
Shyly, she turned to greet his face, not ready for what she found. His dark stare burned into hers, full of longing, desire. Realizing she wanted Alex in a way that went way beyond I want to kiss you, and had a deep feeling he felt the same way. Not daring to break the magical moment, she continued to meet his gaze. Shivering in response as he slowly, softly stroked the small of her back, the tips of his fingers warm, and reassuring.
Getting wrapped up in the moment, she put her arms around his neck, and angled her head to greet his mouth.
Then, an obnoxious, grating, but familiar voice sounded in the air.
“Charlie? Charlie, is that you?”
She turned to see her ex, Langdon. Dancing with his wife, right next to them.
Oh, shit.
Chapter 6
As her world turned on its axis, she pulled away from Alex. Her eyes connected to Lindsey’s growing belly, causing her stomach to clench in painful knots. Large, and growing with life, it hurt to see her belly, knowing it would never be a reality for her. She’d painfully struggled with fertility issues most of her adult life.
Flashbacks of the day she’d found them in bed together whirled through her mind, and she wished she could turn them off. Escape was all she could think of, to run away quickly, as if from a horrifying crime s
cene. Wanted to pretend they weren’t standing in front of her.
Was that why the prick moved on? She hadn’t been worth his time after all. Even though he knew of her infertility issues when they started getting serious, and well before they got married. He’d stuck around anyway, feeding her lies, telling her it didn’t matter, and that he still loved her.
In the end, he’d broken her heart. She’d not only lost a husband, but a best friend. A best friend she’d known since childhood. Some fucking friend she turned out to be.
“I thought that was you,” Langdon said, “It’s nice to see you.”
“Go to hell, Langdon.” she bit off.
His wife said nothing, just stupidly stood there.
She closed her eyes, but the sting of tears wasn’t far behind. Her flight or fight instincts kicked in as she walked away, not wishing to have a meltdown with an audience.
The moment her back was turned, the tears escaped. Cascading down her cheeks, blurring her vision. Despite this she kept walking, only then realizing Alex followed close behind. Grateful for his presence, she half-smiled, looking up into his curious, empathetic gaze as she swiped the moisture away. She took a few deep, cleansing breaths. “Let’s get out of here, please.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Just away from here.”
Gently, he took her by the hand, and they walked back to his truck. “Who were those people?” he asked.
Mid-stride, she stopped, putting a hand up as if to prevent further questioning. Right now her main goal was to put as much distance between her, and her ex, as possible. “Please, just get me out of here. I don’t want to talk about it about right now.”
He nodded as they made their way to his truck, hopped in, and drove off.
Her stupid ex and his wife had ruined her first real date in years. Go figure her rotten luck. The burn of tears stung behind her eyes, but she willed herself not to cry again.